Job requisition is the first big step of the recruitment process …
And arguably the most important.
As the official request to open a new role within a company, job requisitions go beyond just the job title; it outlines all the major details of the position, such as why the position needs to be fulfilled, what the ideal qualifications are, whether it’s a temporary or permanent role, and whether it requires a full-time or part-time employee.
While the job market emerges from the Great Resignation, hundreds of hiring managers are urgently trying to build back teams and locate top talent candidates — and that means establishing effective job requisition methods.
Recruiters should make sure their job requisition strategy is secure; hiring is an intensive and personal process to find the right person for the new role in your company. Creating a poor job requisition strategy will only result in a poor hiring process, and most likely, a poor hire. Let’s take a look at six big-time don’ts recruiters might make when developing IT job requisition methods.
1. Mixing Job Requisitions With Job Descriptions and Job Postings
While creating a job description and job posting are part of the job requisition process, it’s common for some recruiters to use these terms interchangeably when they all have different meanings.
Firstly, a job posting occurs when a recruiter or hiring manager advertises an open position in the company to potential applicants. Whether it’s in the form of an email or website, a job posting simply states that there is an opening for a position. Next comes the job description, which details the duties, requirements, and responsibilities the new job opening demands.
Finally, there’s the job requisition. Typically, in the form of a physical document, a job requisition places an official request to hire an individual for the newly created or opened position.
While the job posting and description specify the requirements for the new role, the job requisition is designed to get approval for the new position.
Each company will have a different job requisition form, but in general, the document included information regarding the job title, essential tasks, necessary education or training, job code, which is used to track applicants, and a general salary range and included benefits.
Since hiring is a big investment into the future success of your company, make sure you understand the difference between job requisition, job postings, and job descriptions. Don’t substitute one for the other, as each is a necessary part of the hiring process.
2. Targeting the Wrong Audience of Candidates
Since hiring is both a reward and a risk, it’s important to attract candidates directly according to your job description. However, a poor job description will target the wrong group of candidates, making the hiring process drag on — costing the company more time and money.
To strategize an effective job requisition, you must have a detailed job description that specifies necessary time commitments, offers an accurate salary range, and a few targeted keywords.
Most, if not all, applicants will want to know how much time they need to dedicate to their role. Without any specification, top-talent candidates may be unable to determine if the job meets their expectations.
Likewise, you should be specific with the job’s salary estimate. According to HR Director publication, 78% of job seekers are less likely to apply for a job if there is no information regarding payment. Even if your company hasn’t decided on an exact salary, providing a general range is better than nothing.
Finally, try to sprinkle in some relevant keywords in your job description. Tagging the description with the right terms will help guide top-talent candidates to your application and reduce the risk of attracting unsuitable job seekers.
3. Copying and Pasting Old Job Requisitions
Composing a job requisition requires time and effort, and while it can be tempting to simply copy and paste from an old job requisition, it shows a lack of efficiency.
Each new job position has duties, responsibilities, and information that relate to that specific role. Using an older requisition will not provide accurate and up-to-date information, and it could attract a pool of candidates who don’t fit the bill.
Now, using an old job requisition as a template to draw from is a helpful tactic, but the information regarding requirements should be fresh.
4. Setting Low Performance Standards
Remember that the job requisition is the kick-off of the hiring process. If you go into it with low performance standards, the company leaders will see no justification for why the new hire is needed.
Plus, keep in mind that your candidates are evaluating you as a potential employer, as well. By failing to set performance standards, candidates won’t know what is expected of them and are unable to accurately assess how their skills and talents might apply to the role.
5. Failing to Describe Daily Responsibilities
Including main responsibilities is a big part of a job requisition. Failing to describe these responsibilities shows (1) potential employees that you haven’t had enough time to think about their role, and (2) company leaders that there might not be a demand for the requested position.
If you, as a member of the HR team, don’t have a clear idea of the responsibilities the role demands, candidates will assume there is a lack of communication and organization within the company and likely look for options elsewhere.
6. No Outline On Company Culture, Mission, and Values
Now more than ever, candidates want to find an organization that places importance on company culture and values — and over 50% of job seekers said they’re willing to forsake salary for it.
As the past two years have taught many in the workforce, not all jobs are as permanent as they may seem. With this in mind, employees are seeking more meaningful experiences in the workplace. Having a compelling mission, defined values, and good workplace culture is crucial for attracting top-talent applicants.
Making sure these aspects are outlined in your job requisition will help you find a candidate that is more qualified and an overall better fit for the new role.
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